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Areas of Practice

Criminal Defense

Laura has handled almost every crime that is chargeable, from a city ticket up to death penalty murder cases. She has a vast amount of experience and knowledge of working cases and uses her excellent reputation as a successful trial lawyer to negotiate cases with the government, as well as to blind plea or take cases to trial. She is a fearless advocate and does not stop until the right result is achieved for her client. 

Cases handled: 

  • Murder in the First Degree – both death penalty and non-death penalty 
  • Rape 
  • Robbery 
  • Kidnapping 
  • Burglary 
  • Assault and Battery with a Deadly Weapon and Dangerous Weapon  
  • Lewd Acts with a Child 
  • Child Abuse/Neglect 
  • DUI 
  • White Collar Crimes

When charged with any criminal offense, you always have a choice. If you did not commit the crime, you should not plead guilty, and you should hire a skilled trial lawyer to fight the system for you. If, however, you would like your case resolved as quickly as possible, the aim would be to negotiate a plea bargain, ensuring that you receive the best and swiftest outcome for your case. Laura has successfully negotiated many dismissals, and charges being amended to lesser crimes, as well as ensuring probation where the state is seeking prison time. 

When the state has charged you with a felony criminal case, you have the right to a preliminary hearing. I have conducted hundreds of preliminary hearings, often exposing to the court the state’s lack of evidence. At a preliminary hearing, I have successfully argued to a judge that a case cannot proceed and should be dismissed.

a. Under Investigation

If you believe an agency is investigating you for a potential crime, it is imperative that you hire a lawyer to represent you and protect your rights and interests. Never wait to see what happens, and do not think that you can resolve the issue yourself.

If a government agency contacts you and asks you to come in and speak with them, refer them to your lawyer. Do not talk to the police. You have a constitutional right to remain silent, and this is the time you must use it. Government agencies investigate people for a whole host of crimes ranging from white collar crimes, such as money laundering, burglary, lewd acts with children and sex offenses, arson, terrorism and murder. No charge is more important than another when your liberty is at stake, and all must be handled by a professional who can navigate the system for you. 

I have worked with clients in this situation numerous times and have had success in ensuring that no charges are filed against my clients. Let me do the same for you!

b. State

There are 77 counties in the State of Oklahoma, and I have practiced in many of the courtrooms across the state. I have tried cases in different courthouses as well conducted hearings and achieved excellent outcomes for my clients. 

I have experience in virtually every chargeable crime, and through my experience know exactly how to navigate the system. My approach to each of her cases is that behind every case is a story. Whether a person committed the crime they are charged with or not, there is a story behind how they found themselves charged. I pride myself on giving each of my clients the time and attention I need to understand an individual’s story. Knowledge is power, and I use this in my cases to negotiate dismissals and favorable plea bargains. 

c. Federal

Federal crimes are incredibly serious and can often carry high penalties if prosecuted. It is imperative that you have a lawyer represent you, ideally even before you are arrested. 

Time is of the essence. Often at your initial appearance, a judge will decide whether to release you on bond or to keep you in detention. The Federal system moves very quickly, and it is imperative to have an experienced attorney represent you, so that the system can be navigated and the best and rightful outcome achieved. 

Federal court is different from State court, and there is a great deal of motion writing that occurs at every stage of the process. As a lawyer practicing in Federal court, one must know every minutiae of the law, and write in a persuasive manner – your freedom could depend on it! In Federal court the Judge is in control of sentencing and credits that can be applied. 

What to Expect

The first step in the process if you think you will or have been charged with a criminal offense is to retain a lawyer. I meet with my clients face to face in my office so that I can gain a comprehensive understanding of the situation.  During a consultation I discuss with a potential client their wants and needs, as well as the law and any potential ramifications for a situation. As I run a bespoke practice, I do not have a set schedule of fees for cases, because every client is different, and therefore every case is different. I tailor my fees to the needs of the case. 

Then, depending on where the case is charged will determine how the case will proceed. In any criminal case, if a client is not guilty, then the client should not agree to a plea deal, and the case should be set for trial. However, if the client has made a mistake, or wishes to take a plea deal to possibly avoid a prison sentence, then I will fiercely advocate on their behalf for the best outcome possible with the least onerous conditions. 

If a client is charged with a criminal offense, I will enter my appearance in the case. This will show to the court that I am the attorney of record.

Juvenile Cases

A child over the age of 10 years old can be charged with a crime – any crime. Laura has successfully represented many many juveniles. There are some crimes that allow for the state to try and charge a child as an adult and therefore punish them as an adult. Through skilled motion practice and effective advocacy, it is sometimes possible to keep a child from being treated as an adult and kept in the juvenile system. The effect of this is two-fold: the case for guilt or innocence can still be fought in the juvenile system, and they are still entitled to a trial by jury. But also, their exposure for punishment is greatly reduced. A child can only be kept in the juvenile system until their 19th birthday. 

Laura has handled cases where if the child was tried as an adult, they could be punished up to a life sentence. Through keeping the clients in the juvenile system, she has ensured that they were not punished as adults, and ultimately their cases were dismissed and expunged from their records. 

The children received their futures back!

Personal Injury

If you have been hurt in a car accident, a truck accident, fell in a store, had something land on you, or suffered at the hands of another, you need a lawyer to protect your interests and fight for justice.

Everyday we trust in people to do the right thing and follow the rules. However, sometimes these rules are broken, and unfortunately people are hurt as a result. All actions have consequences

You should not have to pay because of the actions of someone else. As a result, you should be compensated and made whole again, or as close to whole again as the justice system allows by the ordeal. 

Cases handled: 

  • Car Wreck 
  • Victim of Assault and Battery/Rape  
  • Slip and Fall 
  • Wrongful Death

If you have been injured in any way, you should contact a lawyer and arrange for a free consultation. At the visit, bring with you any and all documents, photographs, and contact information of people involved that you have in your possession. If a police report was made, try to get the officer’s name and the incident number before the officer leaves the scene.

It is important to report an accident to the insurance company, but do not give a statement before you have had time to consult with a lawyer. I can help make sure you are not led into saying something you do not mean.  

Some cases do not involve insurance companies, and people are hurt at the hands of another. I have sought justice for clients who have been raped or suffered attacks as a result of hate crime. For those clients, the only justice available to them outside of the criminal system is compensation. These clients also deserve their day in court, and I am adept at dealing with clients who have been traumatized.  

Civil Forfeiture

At times when a person is stopped by an officer, an agency will seize that person’s money or property, even without making an arrest! The government will then allege that this money or property is somehow tied to a crime. Again, it is important to act fast. If you do not protest and claim a legitimate interest in the money or property within a small time frame, the government is entitled to keep the items.

Over and over, state agencies have seized hundreds of thousands of dollars from people and been able to keep it as the person was unsure how to exercise their rights. I can do this for you! I have experience and success in fighting the government and helping my clients claim back their money and property that was wrongly seized. In every aspect of criminal work and civil forfeiture, I hold the government accountable and make them prove their case, which often results in a victory for my clients. 


In moments of distress and vulnerability, safety should be your foremost concern. If you’ve experienced harassment, abuse, or threats, I will provide you with the legal support you need to obtain a Victim’s Protective Order (VPO).

A Victim’s Protective Order is a critical legal tool designed to shield individuals from further harm in cases of domestic violence, stalking, or harassment. I will deliver personalized guidance and advocacy throughout the process, ensuring that your rights are upheld and your safety is protected.

Your safety is paramount. I will work tirelessly to advocate for your interests, providing personalized legal strategies to address your concerns and help you reclaim control over your life.


There are stigmas attached to certain crimes that can make it difficult to move on with your life, whether it is getting a new or better job, being able to carry a firearm once again, or simply not having a past mistake attached to your name. Fortunately, there are ways to remove misdemeanors, certain felonies and even tickets for a person’s record which makes it non-searchable and even seal such records. 

Laura Neal strongly believes that everyone should have a second chance in life, and oftentimes an expungement can feel like a huge weight off of someone’s shoulders. 

An expungement on a case can be sought in a few different circumstances, which include having been acquitted of a crime, having received a full pardon by the Pardon and Parole Board, the charges were dismissed or a sentence was successfully completed with all fines and costs paid in full and the requisite amount of time has passed. 

Laura has handled many expungements allowing her client to move on with their life, and to no longer be held back.